You Don't Flush First.

Gm York  is a Facebook friend.  While several of us were discussing the dangers associated with the Bottle Bomb, he related the following that happened to him.

.A (sort of) related story. Many years ago I was cutting the grass and hit some type of spore. All of a sudden I had a hard time breathing and my vision was going. I was near my front door and got into the shower -- still dressed. Dona, (his wife), called the rescue squad (pre 911 days). When they arrived she would not let them get me out of the shower until they contacted the hospital, via Radio, for instruction.
The instruction was to keep me under the running water for (I forget how long). Then right to the ER (emergency room) -- don't bother to change ---- come in wet. 
I was treated and admitted over night for observation. The doctor said, "be nice to your wife. You're alive because of her."
The point. In some situations getting to the ER is secondary. Getting "flushed" is primary. True in my case. True in your example. True in many Contamination cases.  (Posted with permission of the author).

My article re. the Bottle Bomb was published on this site on 6/6/2013.
