You Can't Tell The Truth


The minute someone demonstrates courage and tells the truth, she has moved within the spheres of influence to a point where her inner world changes and the person begins to have an increase of her personal power and integrity. While the negative feelings have not all disappeared, the person has greater energy to handle nasty situations. She is no longer living in the world of victimhood. When someone will not acknowledge or tell the truth, she lives within her own creation of lack and limitation. Without truth, unconditional love is not possible, as people are ruled by their own selfishness, in which other people are merely objects to satisfy their needs and wants.” Quoted from the book, When All Hell Breaks Loose, by Cody Lundin.

Author’s spin on the above quote: politically correct speech is one where the facts have to be changed to satisfy the speaker’s personal agenda; therefore, it is a lie. Only the truth, (actual facts), the whole truth, (not leaving facts out), and nothing but the truth, (not adding information that would tend to enhance the speaker’s personal point), is required for it to be the truth, and not a lie. Pity the poor person, a coward, always afraid that someone may not like him, who always must utter politically correct speech, instead of what he wants to say, or what he feels should be said . . . but, alas, cannot. One that is never able to feel unconditional love for a spouse, child, and parent, and those persons in his life fully realize that he or she cannot truly love them. Only the truth can calm the heart.

You're a Lazy Driver

Lazy drivers let the car drive them.  They're not necessarily stupid, but many are slow processors. They are easily identified by the movement(s) of their cars:

1.  On left curves they drift near or onto the white line on the right.  Some cross the line on the left so they don't have to make a sharp(er) curve.  On right curves they drift towards or on the center line. Some use part of the shoulder, cutting the corner, so to speak. Even on a straightaway they drift from left to right, never able to stay in the middle of their lane.  You're afraid to pass them as you don't know if he'll drift into you just as you get abreast of his car.

2.  Leaving an intersection after stopping for a red light or stop sign they just drift through the intersection.  After clearing the intersection they take 500 to 1,000 feet to get back up to highway speed.  Being slow processors, they not only don't realize this, but are never aware that there are cars behind them that would also like to get out of the intersection before the light changes.

3. The lazy driver cannot maintain his speed uphill.  If the speed limit is 40 mph on the flat part of the road, and 40 mph on the upcoming hill, you have to press down on the gas pedal to give the engine a bit more power.  This extra power is needed to overcome the pull of gravity.  Hilarious situation that I observed a few days ago.  Car in the passing lane was attempting to pass the car in the travel lane.  They both then came to the bottom of a hill.  You could almost sense the frustration of the driver in the car attempting to pass, as his car wouldn't go ahead of the other car.  Those two cars stayed abreast of each other for 3/4's of a mile up the hill.  If I was the driver in the car trying to pass I'd trade that one in for a "passing car."

4.   Some slow processors can't differentiate between a travel lane and a passing lane.  When a two lane road turns into a four lane road, if their lane comes into the passing lane they cannot process which lane they're in, and do not move over to the travel lane.  Even when several cars pass them on the right they still don't have a clue.  Some drivers who do this are Passive Aggressive.

5.  Slow processors don't know that they have to make their car go faster than the car that they want to pass. I know that the statement sounds ridiculous, but bear with me.  How many times has a car pulled abreast of yours and stayed there for a mile or two.  What happens is that he left his comfort zone; therefore, cannot speed up any faster to pass you.  You, finally, realize the danger he's putting you in, slow down.  This, then, allows him to go ahead.
How many times has a car, attempting to pass you, approaches your left rear fender and stays there, what seems like forever, before he attempts to pass?  Many people are afraid to pass, so you have to slow down for them.  Many then will cut, dangerously, in front of you as they're afraid of the passing lane.  When a driver takes a long time to pass, be aware of this and be prepared to apply your brakes as that driver is now in a panic, irrational state of mind.

6.  The Lazy Passenger is just as dangerous as the Lazy Driver.  He is oblivious of what the driver is doing or what is going on around the car that he's in.  As a passenger you have the right to verbalize your concerns about the way the driver is driving.  After all, it's usually the passenger that gets killed . . . that would be you.  The next time you're a passenger in a car be observant.  See what is going on, especially in the points that I've made above.  Speak to the driver, make him aware of his inept driving.  Of course, do it in a nice and polite way.  If your driver is not receptive to your suggestions and won't change his driving habits, then why are you still a passenger in his car?