You Don't Buy My Book -- Not Really, but . . .
Wouldn't my book "50 + 1" be better for your student than another video game? Buy them the game but balance out their time between learning to do better in school and relaxation. Or do you want to write better reports for your work, or just become a better blogger?
What about your police officer?
My book, "Police Officer's Response Guide to Crimes/Incidents in Progress." Wouldn't it be wonderful to help keep him/her safer by buying them a book on how to stay safer while responding to calls? Especially those high-risk calls.
Another video game or necktie, or better education and survival?
All the information about my books is just to the right in the middle column. Merely click on the links to get the information to make up your mind
You Don't Have A Code Word
Both the child and parent should never divulge the Code Word unless necessary, so the child can be picked up by a trusted person. Although this has been around for many years, it's a good idea to repeat it for those who may not be aware of it.
The important thing is to convince the child never to say it, but that only the adult that will pick up the child will say it. Why?
Pedophiles are very cunning people. Many know of this safety factor and therefore will try to trick the child in revealing the Code Word by telling the child that he was sent by his mother and that she can't get a ride home unless she (the child) knows the code word; thereby, revealing it to the pedophile who will then confirm it; putting the child at ease and then able to get the child in the car.
Of course, unless it's a life or death situation, a parent should never ask someone to pick up their child that the child doesn't know and trust.
You Don't Support The Freedom Fighters In Hong Kong
It is heart-warming to know that some people in this world of ours still have the flame-of-freedom still burning in their hearts.
Best of luck, you freedom-fighters, and I pray and hope that you are successful.
My wish is to be able to revisit your great city someday. I enjoyed the visit tremendously.
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You Don't Know, "My (golfing) thought for today." Stop Signs
What does this have to do with golf? Nothing, except that it has to do with golfers driving golf carts on roads and golf cart paths that lead to and traverse roadways.
On the roadways which lead to and from golf communities, there are stop signs, also there are stop signs at the end of golf cart paths at the intersection with roads that are used by vehicular traffic.
I live in a golf community and all the roadways and golf cart pathways have stop signs at all the intersections. In the five years that I've lived here, there is absolutely no one that has ever stopped for a stop sign. Vehicles, at least, do slow down a bit before continuing through the stop sign. Golf cart drivers . . . not so much.
What and who is supposed to stop at stop signs according to law?
Trucks, cars, bicycles, motorcycles, go-carts, all-terrain vehicles, pedestrians, and, of course, GOLF CARTS.
"What does this have to do with golf? With your ability to continue to play golf, that you won't be able to if you have an accident with a truck.
You Don't Know, "My (golfing) thought for today." Divets
Amateurs, I suspect, think that the different lofts of the clubs are to pick up the ball. This usually results with the leading edge coming into contact with the ball resulting in a very low shot or a complete flub. The proper contact with the ball is in a downward motion of the club face, continuing into the ground, and continuing in a forward motion. This is what causes the divet. (Observe the pros on TV.)
Years ago while playing with a pro and after a few holes, he told my buddy and me to go to the rough and dig some holes; which we did. You don't dig a hole under the ball, you hit the ball first and continue in a downward motion while continuing the forward motion through the follow through. This motion will force the ball up the face of the club resulting in a lofty shot.
This motion is not for your fairway woods or driving irons such as the 2 or 3 iron, but you should still scruff up the grass a bit.
Even when you're on the tee and your ball is teed up, you're still moving the club head in a slightly downward motion, without necessarily hitting the ground, so the ball obtains the desired loft.
A stranger in New York City several years ago asked a New Yorker, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" To which the New Yorker answered, "Practice, practice, practice." So go in your backyard and dig some holes. With a golf iron, not a shovel.
You Can't Take Two Minutes To Enjoy The Wild Horses
Eight mature wild horses, followed by a baby horse, by a young horse, and two more mature horses. My wife and I quickly ran to a front window to admire them, as we usually do whenever they are around, but immediately there were three cars, a black SUV followed by a red SUV and followed by a white thing that looked like a box coming down the street in the opposite direction. The cars drove right up to the horses and stopped so close to each other that they formed a wall so the horses on one side couldn't follow the others. The cars were filled with very important people, they must have been, as they just couldn't stop to enjoy these magnificent beasts. They did stop for a second or two but immediately started driving slowly. As the horses surrounding the cars became frightened they started to run in the opposite direction of their intended travel. As almost everyone on my street is retired, what was their hurry? Were they going to the club to feed their faces? At their age, no one was ready to have a baby--for sure. They could not take two minutes to allow the horses to continue on their way? It was so sad to observe.
The reason a herd travels is to find a better feeding ground; this was denied to them. At this time of year, it is extremely important for the animals to get as much nutrition to give them a better chance to survive the upcoming winter.
You're A Female Athlete And You Compete Against A Man.
Whenever there is a man at the starting line, don't run. Chit-chat, do your nails, or whatever.
Let the idiot run by himself. If you don't, then you're telling everyone that second place is good enough for you.
(This merely pertains to the physical attributes between males and females. It does not pertain to other fields, or the mental capacity of both.)
You think Colorado has empathy for their homeless
The headline reads, "Colorado spends three million from marijuana tax to feed and house the homeless."
Sure makes Colorado sound like a wonderful, compassionate, and generous state, but as Paul Harvey used to say, "Here is the rest of the story."
Budget -- $30.5 billion.
Debt -- $17 billion.
And what do they spend on illegal aliens?
$1.1 billion.
That's about 30,000% more they spend on illegals than their homeless. (Or 3,000% more, whatever.)
You Don't Know, "My (golfing) thought for today." Look At The Ball
There are a few solutions to correct this problem.
1. When driving, let your partner(s) keep their eyes on the ball so you won't have to worry about where it went. Many years ago while on the 18th tee, it was nearly totally dark. After driving the ball I walked up to the spot where I felt where the ball would have landed based on how I had hit the ball.. When I got to the spot, my ball was there.
2. When putting, don't look up to see where the ball is going, keep looking at where the ball was and listen. I used to love to hear the "plop" (noise) of the ball falling into the hole. It's the sweeteast sound you'll ever hear.
3. When driviing or when using a fairway iron, let your shoulder lift up your head, not lifting your head to look for the ball before your shoulder has done its full turn.
If you follow these, you will flub a lot less shots resulting in a lower score. Relax and have fun out there. If you're a scratch golfer, forget about my tips.
You Don't Believe That Communism Is Taking A Hold In America
To the Editor:
Dear Sir,
'Open Letter to One'
“As soon as you abuse the privilege of being free, you are no longer.”
Your freedoms may not be taken from you at that very instant, because a great number of other people all around you have not fallen into your plight but it has died inside you where it counts the most.
Although the outward appearance will look the same, as you may still be able to do as you normally did before, it will appear to you more and more as you go on, that you have lost your zest in doing what before seemed a great fulfillment in your life.
Besides the fact that you are living in frustration and despair, from dreary days into drearier nights and back again. You are still but only one lost to freedom, for now you become a follower. For without a fulfillment in doing what you desire you accept the thoughts, actions and desires of others. You become a conformist, compromiser, pacifist and what have you.
If, as some have done, you finally analyze what you have let yourself into, but say, Oh Well! Everyone else seems OK, so I'll just coast along and see what happens. Never regaining enough of yourself to take the time and the effort to get out of this dilemma. Also never realizing just how many others have also fallen into your plight.
Others around you, without as strong a will as your own, see that you are still—at least outwardly—a close image of your former self, but without expending the energy you used to use to partake in the actions which were necessary for maintaining your personal freedoms, without an apparent loss of these freedoms. So now they also, slowly but surely, abuse their own privilege of being free.
Now all these, “I'm only one,” have multiplied themselves over and over again.
Now a lot of people who have thought what they were doing was right. But, seeing this change, begin to wonder maybe some of it is wrong. Gosh! This must be the modern look, everyone else seems to be doing just the opposite these days, maybe I'd better get on the bandwagon before someone thinks I'm not keeping up with the times.
Now we have a majority from one. Hello, Communism.
Damn it! I forgot to lock my back door again. Thank You.
Yours Truly,
Norbert A. Tanguay
(The above letter was written and mailed to Time Magazine on April 28, 1961)
You Don't Know Which One You Are
You Don't Know, "My (golfing) thought for today." Putting
Perfect Practice Produces Perfect Performance
- Place six balls, six inches from and around the hole, putt each one into the hole and repeat five times. If you miss at any time during the 36 stroke cycle you have to start at the beginning and continue until all 36 putts are made--with no misses. Why six inches? Because all putting strokes should be strong enough to travel up to six inches beyond the hole. If the ball is online then it will go in. If it doesn't then you won't miss the next putt. Once you've accomplished this then go to #2.
Note: If you're only a few inches from the cup, then, obviously you'll only putt to within an inch beyond the cup.
- Place five balls, 12 inches from and around the hole, putt them in and repeat four more times. If you miss any putt, then you start over.
- Place four balls 24 inches from and around the hole, putting them in and repeat three more times. If you miss any putt, then you start over.
- Place three balls 36 inches from and around the hole, putting them in and repeat two more times. If you miss any putt, then you start over.
(This post does not pertain to those who never practice and are satisfied to break 100 . . . occasionally.)
You Believe That It's Also Fun For The Wild Horses
You Don't Know, "My (golfing) thought for today." Under-clubbing.
Today, I watched four golfers hit on a short par 3. The closest to the green was 3/4ers of the way and the shortest was less than halfway.
You Don't Leave a Space When Stopped
The rule is, when stopped, you should still be able to see the rear tires of the car in front of you. Why?
1. As the car in back of you usually stops within inches, if you were inches from the car in front, you would not be able to get out of line and escape in the event of an emergency in the car in front of you, e.g., such as if it's on fire.
2. Many times the lead car stops in the cross walk and/or beyond the white line. If a truck is trying to turn left from the street on the right, the car in front of you will have to back up. If you're pinned in, it will take a long time to get everyone to back up. Without thinking, he might just back up into you.
3. If you're up against the car in front of you and get rear-ended, the force of the collision will push your car into the one in front of you. This will cause your car to be damaged both in the rear and in front. The damage caused to the car in front of you by your car may be considered to be your fault. You may get a ticket, For Failure to Maintain a Reasonable Distance and a hike in your insurance premiums.
4. To save time. This will actually save you time in leaving the intersection. When the car in front of me starts to move, so do I, at nearly the same time. If I was within inches of the car in front of me, I'd have to wait until it gets a reasonable distance away before I could even start to move; therefore, I don't save any time by being closer.
Rule: If you can't see the rear tires, you're too close.
You Allow Someone to Tailgate You
I've mentioned the fact many times that tailgating is very
dangerous, so maybe a few of you have taken my advice to heart and no
longer tailgate. Good for you.
But, do you let others tailgate
you? It's just as dangerous to be tailgated than to tailgate. Both
cars in a tailgating accident are part of the statistics of 2.7 million
accidents, 750,000 hospitalizations, and 15,000+ killed every year in
the United States. (Statistics refer to the United States only).
Does it matter to you if it's the other driver's fault if you or a member of your family is killed?
Don't let another driver tailgate you. If you can't see all of his
front tires, he's tailgating you and placing you in grave danger.
What to do:
1. Put on your emergency flashers and take your foot off of the gas pedal and allow your car to slow down gradually. Only reduce your speed a little to give him a clue.
DO NOT slam on your brakes as he'll most probably hit you and it'll be
your fault for causing the accident. This works most of the time. OR
2. If possible, turn on your turn signal, slow down gradually and pull
off to the side of the road and allow stupid to pass. OR
3. Engage
your windshield washer and leave it on until the car backs off. This
causes the fluid to run up the windshield, over the roof of your car and
land on the windshield of the car in back of you. This works (almost)
all the time.
Whether you're tailgating or being tailgated the danger to yourself is the same.
You Don't Know the Quack, Quack Signal
- A light is burned out. The primary reason, 90% of the time.
- The turn signal is on when not warranted. Or use your left, right, left, etc., 3-clicks each way.
- Headlights on high beam during the day. Low beam headlights, or traveling lights, aids the oncoming driver to see you from a greater distance; enhancing both your safety. They are not so you can see better. High beams during the day do not help your visibility, but it does bother the oncoming driver's vision, placing both of you in greater danger. Use low beam or running lights during the day. Or flash your high beams, but DON'T leave them on.
You Don't Know How To Maintain Speed
You Don't Have A Clue Yet
You Tailgate When Driving Downhill
You Think That One Second Is Worth Your Life
The safe distance, as mentioned in my Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock post, is determined by the element/weather. Let's go with normal, dry weather and the 2-second rule.
The difference between tailgating and not tailgating is 1-second. At 1-second or less time, behind the car in front of you will not give you time to stop if the driver in front encounters an obstruction and has to slow down or stop quickly.
At 2-seconds, which equals a car length for each 10-mph of speed, should give you the time necessary to react so you don't crash into it. Should . . . if you're paying attention to your driving.
It's only a 1-second difference. If the road is wet and even if you decide to follow the 3-second rule to give you more time to react, do you think your boss will be able to differentiate whether you're 1-second or 2-seconds later to arrive at work, or wherever you're going? I don't think so.
So you're not killed, but maybe you'll be one of the 750,000 who are hospitalized each year due to tailgating accidents, or one of the ones involved in the 2,700,000 accidents?
Is your life worth 1-second of your time? Mine is. That's why I don't tailgate.
Notice: To view the other 10 Posts on Tailgating go to Categories in the right-hand column and click on the link at
You Improperly Feed Deer
Worse than a belly-ache.
It takes two to four weeks of feeding on a new food source for deer to establish the microorganisms necessary to obtain nutrients from that food. The time and energy it takes to convert to new microorganisms uses precious fat reserves that could have been spared if the deer had fed continually on natural winter browse. Studies, including some in Pennsylvania, have documented the death of wild ruminants from feeding on highly digestible, high energy, low fiber feed such as corn in winter. This rapid exposure to a concentrated grain diet can cause a fatal disruption of the animal's acid-base balance. Those that survive the immediate effects often die in the days or weeks that follow, due to secondary complications of the disease.
Feeding by humans causes the concentration of a large herd which attracts predators such as bears, mountain lions, foxes, etc. When the human, especially a child, is feeding the deer and there are predators around, as the human cannot run as fast as the deer, the predator, not being fussy about what it eats, will eat the human. There are several recorded instances where the human child was killed and eaten by the predator. Bears don't kill their prey before they start to eat it . . . human or otherwise.
It seems to the human, especially the human child, that they are helping the deer by giving them a treat and it's a fun thing to do, but they are actually killing the deer. Irrespective of the predators, the deer themselves can become aggressive and harm the human.
If one feels that animals are in distress, such as injured or due to severe weather conditions and snowfall, he should call the proper agency for advice and help.
The Dead of Winter
Winter mortality will never be eliminated, it's nature's way of ensuring that only the strongest of the species survive to reproduce. Winter survival is determined by the availability of high quality fall food (to ensure fat accumulation) and winter thermal cover (to conserve energy). By late fall, deer (even captive deer) instinctively reduce their food intake and continue to do so through most of the winter. During that time, deer rely heavily on fat reserves and their ability to conserve energy, thereby making those reserves last longer. They travel less and seek protection in cover where snow is less deep, wind is less severe and tempertures are warmer. Winter energy conservation, especially important to fawns which use a good portion of their fall food to grow bone and muscle, not build up fat reserves. If an animal's fat reserves are used up before the end of winter, it is much more likely to die.
That being said, any activity that causes increased energy demands can harm deer by compelling them to waste essential fat reserves. Supplemental feedig can cause deer to expend more energy by coercing them to travel farther and more often and can increase winter starvation by luring in more animals than the feed can support. In one study, feeding was found to increase the winter death rate from 25 to 42 percent. Supplemental feeding also lowers the quality of the herd by enabling less fit individuals to avoid selective, natural winter culling. High concentrations of wildlife at feeding sites also attract predators. Animals expending energy to avoid those predators burn fat reserves that would have otherwise enabled them to survive the winter.
Sources: Wildlife conservation websites.