It’s not happening to me, so why should I bother what my government is doing to the people of Ukraine, but it’s not just them. It’s also happening to the thousands of citizens in your own country who dared speak against your dictatorial government. And even now the government goons are arresting and jailing the peaceful protesters. Based on past practices of your government, they most likely are being tortured: those are your friends and neighbors.
That is what the German people thought in the ‘30s and ‘40s when their government killed 10 million of their own people. That government did not just kill six million Jews, but also the retarded, the insane, the sick, the aged, and the cripples. And then the bombs started falling and they most probably thought, “Why me, I didn’t do anything,” or “I was just following orders.”
Most probably, at this time, the bombs won’t be falling on you, but the murder and torture of your fellow citizens by your government will continue unabated. Stalin murdered twenty million of your citizens and starved millions of Ukrainians.
Belarus’s citizens are not innocent in this genocide either, as the invasion of an innocent country came from their border also.
Every person who allows and any government that takes away the freedom of any person is committing a crime against humanity. And, no one today can morally say, “It’s none of my business.”