Five American citizens who have never committed a crime have been killed by police while serving a warrant under the Red Flag law. Under the Red Flag laws, probable cause is not needed, but merely the fear of one person who thinks that the accused MAY, not is a danger, but MAY be a danger to someone in the future, no matter how distant that future may be. The accuser in most of the cases has been a paranoid relative.
Notice to police and judges.
If you don't have probable cause you're not supposed to apply for a warrant and judges, if the officer doesn't have probable cause, then you're not supposed to sign the warrant. In both cases, the warrant is invalid and cannot legally be served. Having said all this (boy, I hate that phrase), in any event, the Red Flag law is unconstitutional on its face.
Open invitation to all police officers and judges to debate the subject.
Police Instructor in Criminal Law, Laws of Arrest, Rules of Evidence, and Search and Seizure for 24-years.
Note: The mere rantings and paranoia of an individual do NOT meet the standards of Probable Cause.