You Think That It Takes More Than One Person To Pick Up A Pizza.

This afternoon I went downtown to pick up a pizza. Although it was a sidewalk pick-up everyone there was in groups of two or more.  Why?

The Coronavirus is transmitted through human contact, so the more people that congregate in a single place the better chance of catching Covid-19 or infecting someone else.  A person can have the virus and transmit it to another without knowing that they have it, as it takes a few days for the symptoms to manifest themselves.  No one was practicing the 6-foot rule and I was the only one with a mask on.  (I didn't mind too much about the two in back of me in line as they were both attractive, charming and talkative young females). 

Monday morning I went grocery shopping.  Most of the shoppers were there by themself except for one couple.  Why can't only one do the grocery shopping?  All of us others were.

By going to an activity with all your friend when only one is necessary to perform the chore/job merely endangers yourselves and others and why bring your kids with you.  That new disease is really rough on young children.  

My wife came with me, but she stayed in the car away from the group of people in front of the pizza parlor.

As the country is starting to open up we should still be practicing the safety rules so there isn't a spike in new cases that will force the country to be shut down again. --  Stay safe. 

Note:  I do not infer that it's never appropriate to have more than one person per family in a line at one time. Based on the situation, location, and safety factors, you should not leave, especially a child in the car or away from you. The safety of your loved ones or of a friend should be the determining factor.



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