You Don't Know That America is now Amerika.

“That all men are created equal.” Amerikan Liberals think that it means everyone should receive the same of everything whether one works for it or not. Of course, they, the elites, don't believe that it pertains to them, as they want to keep their walled-in houses, (read, fortresses) to keep the common man (read, the unwashed masses) away from them. No one should believe that when the three elites sat down to discuss equality for the masses that they would be willing to give up, among them, their eight houses and their combined assets of 60 million dollars, but by increasing the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour, that it would equalize the disparity between them.

If the new Amerikan government is sworn-in, then Americans' freedom will slowly, but positively be eroded over the next four years. America will then no longer be, “the land of the free,” but the home of the people that will pour across our open borders. They will not be the same as those of the last two centuries who were escaping tyranny, seeking freedom, and a better life for their children. No. They will be seeking to destroy America: to turn it into the same kind of country that they came from. They will not come to America to seek those freedoms, but out of jealousy, spite, and hate. Those that will be allowed into America are not the ones who will help this country, but the ones that our newly elected officials want to come in to destroy us and to punish us for taking away their power these past four years.

The new government is dredging up, for cabinet positions, all the old Liberal/Progressive/Communist/Radical guards that did nothing to help the country for eight years prior to the present administration and a Commander -in-Chief that goes around sniffing hair and pinching the nipples of 8-year old girls.

The criminals, both in America and throughout the world, know just how weak this government will be, as we have already seen major cities destroyed and violent crimes has risen by untold numbers in states that are controlled by these Democratic elites.

Welcome to Amerika.



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