You Talk On Your Cell Phone, Text or Engage in Distracting Activities While Driving.

The good news is that there are 6,000 less drivers on our highways that won't engage in these type of activities anymore. Did they get smarter? No, they were all killed in car accidents last year. Probably the same amount will be killed this year so next year there will be 12,000 less distracted drivers which, hopefully, will help keep us non-distracted drivers safer.
I am going to assume that 20% of the 500,000 drivers who were injured while texting, etc. got clued in. Not only because of their injuries and their cars being all banged up, but also that their car insurance rates went up for the next three years. That still leaves 400,000 drivers that we have to watch out for. That's why we have to drive defensively.
Special Request: Stay away from my car. Pick on a tree.


csinate said...

If you wish to find out the laws in your state regarding cell phone and texting usage while driving go to:

Nate said...

Good News. In '09 there were only 5,775 who killed themselves vs. 6,000 in '08 while on cell phone, texting or distracted. At least it's in the right direction.

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