How many times do I and others have to tell you that driving or riding in a car is dangerous. Yesterday four teenagers were killed and one critically injured in a one car crash. The driver, 16, only had a Learner's Permit which doesn't allow him to take other minors for a ride. Probably one or more of the three passengers who were also 16 knew that, but failed to take it into consideration and ask the driver if he had a regular license. One of my earlier posts speaks of the responsibilities of a passenger. A passenger is responsible for his own safely. If the passenger is uncomfortable with the way the driver is driving then he not only has the right but an obligation to tell the driver his feelings, i.e., “Hey! Slow Down.”
The police investigation won't be finished for quite some time so I will only speak from my teaching, experience and observations of younger drivers.
1. Passengers should not engage in needless conversation with the driver. This focuses his mind on the topic which detracts from his concentration on his driving.
2. Conversation should also be kept to a minimum among the passengers.
3. Frivolity should never be allowed as this disturbs the driver. (Any of the passengers should speak up if it is getting out of hand).
4. Due to the inexperience of younger drivers, they should never:
a. Drive drunk. (Of course no one should).
b. Speed. (Others do but not you).
c. Talk on a cell phone or text while driving. (6,000 drivers were killed while doing one of these in 2008).
d. Drive with only one hand on the steering wheel. (Hold your girlfriends hand, or whatever, on the couch after you get home).
e. Eat. (Not forever, just when you're driving).
f. Look at your passenger while you or your passenger is talking. (You can hear him and he can hear you without looking. Keep your eyes on the road. Try it, it works). (If she is that good-looking then pull off the road and just stare at her).
g. Let another driver force you to change your safe driving habits. (See, "Drive Your Own Car" post).
h. Drive outside your Comfort Zone.
5. Of course these are not all-inclusive. If you have another good tip please Comment on it.
My condolences to the families and friends of these, Oh, so young people.
You Are A Young Driver and Don't Follow Safe Driving Rules
Posted by
on 12/09/2010
Driving Safety
This is very sound advice to young drivers. When I was a very new driver, just 2 months licensed, I was driving a group of Boy Scouts to a weekend camping trip, for the 1st time; I didn't know where the camp was and had a station wagon full of boys and camping gear. One of the men said to follow him, an experienced driver with a much smaller car as well. He took off at a speed with which I wasn't comfortable, and in short order the boys were talking and laughing and then things began to fly around inside the wagon too, one of which hit me in the back of the head {'59 wagons didn't have head rests yet}. It knocked my face forward almost into the steering wheel; so I immediately pulled off on the shoulder and stopped. Half those boys were as big or bigger than I was at the time, but I told them they could laugh, talk, tell jokes, whatever, but if ANYTHING MOVED inside that car again, I was going back! One informed me I couldn't do that, and I retorted "Oh yes I can, I have the car keys!" Then I pulled out a map from the glove box, which I was adept at reading, located the camp and drove there at my own pace. I never again, over the next 3 years of driving that troop to various camping outings, had to repeat that lecture; they all knew if they got in the car with me that was the rule, period, and I never had any further trouble about getting to remote sites safely!
Another good tip. No driver should allow and no passenger should be throwing things around. Most people won't threaten to go back and will continue on the journey at all cost which could even cost him or his passengers their lives. I like your spunk. Thank You for the Comment.
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