You're A Bad Driver.
Posted by
on 7/05/2017
Driving Safety
My Driving Thoughts For Today
The next time you're involved in an accident ask yourself, "Why was I in such a hurry to get here."
My (driving) thought for today
Many of you are going to kill a family member today.
My (2nd driving) thought for today
Thousands of you will send a family member to the hospital with serious injuries for an extended stay by your action.
My (3rd driving) thought for today
Hundreds of you, by your action, will cause the death of one or more of your own children today.
My (4th driving) thought for today
Dozens of mothers, afraid to speak to their husband driver, will watch the death of one or more of their children today.
My (5th driving) thought for today
Thousands of mothers will watch one or more of their children being taken away by ambulance to a hospital with serious and, possibly, life-threatening injuries, because of their cowardness, today.
My (6th driving) thought for today
Thousands of fathers, who claim that they love their children, but in reality do not because of their bad driving habits; will kill or seriously injure up to 5,000 of their own children today.
My (7th driving) thought for today
Hundreds of wives will file for divorce tomorrow because their husbands, by their bad driving habits, will have killed or injured one or more of her children today. Don't believe me! Ask her today.
Note: Although I speak of the drivers in the United States; all people should be cognizant that they pertain to their country also.
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